
Thai authority forced refugee to return.(2022.9.30)

Arakan National Party Statement

Chin National Rights Organization statement

Statement of the General Strike Committee of Nationalities

Legal Aids Network statement on CRPH

Statement by the Kachin National Organization

Kachin People Party Statement

RCSS statement on the offensive operation of the Tamadaw

KYO statement on coup

INGO joint statement

Chin State - CDM statement

RCSS statement on the coup

CRPH statement on Dr. Sa Sa

Committee Representing Chin State Hluttaw Statement

The United Nations Country Team Statment

Statement by the Representative of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (NLD)

PPST statement

Shan Statement-NLD statement

IKO statement on coup

Statement by the European Karen Network

Ethnic Minority sent letter to UN Human Rights Council

KPSN statement

K-CBOs letter to Karen Armed Organizations

စစ္ေတာင္းသံစဥ္ statement